Waiting for Insurance News

Well the insurance company hasn’t responded about the wound vac yet. So I’ve got no explanation about what we will do if they deny it.

Until then, my incision is open with gauze INSIDE the pocket packed in. I can’t get around well and just brushing my hair wore me out.

Resting. Unable to do much else. This is frustrating and emotionally hard as picking Asher up puts me in considerable pain.


Finally great news to share!

#1 Asher weighed in at 5lb 4oz today. That’s 18oz above the lightest weight after his jaundice treatment. He is filling out nicely and I expect by his due date that he will weigh a normal amount for newborns. His doctor says in all other ways he is doing what is normal for his age to do as far as feedings, sleep, etc.

#2 I got the wound vac approved and put on! It’ll still be at least 2 weeks of toting around this little computer pump that is the size of my purse sucking away the swelling. But – it should alleviate some of the pain in a few days. The painful part is the weird sterilized foam inside the pocket. Here’s hoping I can pick Asher up soon for feeding and diapers and also hold a laptop so I can get back to work.

I can’t shower with the vac, so everyone can be glad that I’ll be housebound for those weeks yet! I did successfully manage to wash my hair in the kitchen sink today. It’s a small win that’s helps me feel a bit better.

Painful but very successful day with the relief of food delivery coming our way soon.