Monday morning before sunrise and I feel like I’ve achieved more already this week than last!

✅ Bottled elderberry (natural flu fighter and immune support) flavored kombucha for 2nd ferment
✅ Made tea for next batch of kombucha
✅ Fed my sourdough
✅ Checked on the homemade yogurt in my instant pot
✅ Made baked oatmeal bars for breakfast
✅ Washed dishes AND put them away
✅ Drank my cup of coffee while still hot
✅ Made my hot chocolate drink that hides all the flavors of supplements to help while I’m nursing 🤱🏽
✅ Showered

💤 And the babies are still sleeping!

👩🏽‍💻 Next up: get an hour of work in before they wake.

It’s amazing how I’m feeling a bit more like myself and productive again since Shiloh gets through much of the night without waking.